Greetings! We are pleased to announce that our bridge site has been confirmed! We will be building the Jabiro bridge on the Miguramo river and serving nearby communities of 7,469 people! The team will arrive on site on November 25th and are in full swing preparing for the trip! The site is located in the southern province of Rwanda but very close to the western border. It is about a 2 hour drive West from the capital city of Kigali! It is also about half-way between Kigali and Lake Kivu - the lake on the western most edge of the country. To reach Lake Kivu from the Jabiro site would be another 2 hour drive. Source: Bridges to Prosperity Source: Google Maps The site is quite mountainous, with a local school located at approximately 1630m elevation, and the river at approximately 1520m according to Google Maps! It will be directly serving the communities of Jabiro, Kibilizi, Ngororano, and Rwambariro nearby. Source: FATMAP Initial construction works have beg...
Hello and welcome to the start of our team blog! We are ecstatic to represent Mott MacDonald on this years build, and will be traveling to Rwanda in November to build a suspended footbridge for a local community in the Nyabihu region! First of all, who are we? Our team consists of 5 Mott MacDonald staff: Nick Franklin Conor Mackle Cham Kandanarachchi Patrick Hamlin And Omar Rahhal! We will also be partnering with 5 other staff from another consulting firm, Weston and Sampson based out of Boston! Thank you all for your support on our fundraising page so far, we have official hit $12k CAD! The team is happy to announce we have booked our flights and will begin the build on November 25th 2023, with completion on December 8th in Rwanda! We are still confirming the exact project location, but Bridges to Prosperity is evaluating two potential sites, both in the Nyabihu municipality in the North West of Rwanda and a...
Day 1 was a great success! All 4 cables were hauled across the river and 3 out of 4 cables were clamped at both ends. A start was made on the fabrication of crossbeams and suspenders, and the F value (design low point of tensioned cables) were marked on both abutments. Day 2 will consist of fully tensioning the cables using a hand winch. See more at
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